최승애 화백, ‘포커스 뉴욕 글로벌 아트페어 2023’ 참가

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5월 18일부터 21일까지 4일간 뉴욕 첼시 인더스트리얼에서 진행된 ‘포커스 뉴욕 글로벌 아트페어 2023’에 뉴욕 코스모스 갤리리 초청으로 한국의 최승애 화백이 참가했다.

최승애 화백은 화백만의 특별한 기법인 ‘풀점묘법’으로 자연, 특히 아름다운 청록산수를 그려내는 작가로 알려져 있다. 

이번 아트페어에서 또한 최승애 화백은 독창적인 청록산수 및 자연경관을 담은 작품을 공개했고, 최 화백의 독창적 작품에 관람객들의 많은 호평을 받았다. 

최 화백은 “자연과의 만남을 통해 인간 본성의 감성과 평온함에 대해 노래하고 싶다”라며, “저만의 끊임없는 노력과 연구로 예술 활동을 지속하며 세계인들에게 아름다운 꿈과 평화를 주고 싶다”라는 메시지를 전했다. 



Artist Note
Through encounters with beautiful nature, I always want to sing about the sensibility and tranquility of human nature.
I would like to continue with my dream of blue and green Korean landscape using a unique traditional technique called leaf pointillism, which was self-invented to express.
In the light of the bright dawn, I want to embody the clear and deep spiritual world of humanity with a number of colors on the visible ray that are seen as light represented by pointillism of fine molecules of separation and mixing.
In my mind, I always have the extraordinarily beautiful mountains worldwide as the dream of Utopia, Mureungdowon.
With my endless efforts and research going forward, I hope to give beautiful dreams and peace to the people of the world with my artworks.



2015 Grand Art Exhibition of Korea Grand Prize Korean Oriental Painting Non-figurative Category Grand Prize, 2020 Literature Trend, Rookie of the Year Award, 2022 1st Seoul Han River Biennale Western Painting Grand Prize, The 38th Korean Art Competition Non-Figurative Section, Christian Art Competition, Art & Criticism Judge

32nd Mudeung Art Competition, 16th Korea Christian Art Award Steering Committee, Cheongju Craft Bennale, Namsong Museum of Atr 'I am a Painter' Selected Artist, Korea Fine Arts Association Advisory Committe, Contemporary Art Students Association Advisory Committee

Member of the Korea Fine Arts Association, Member of the Element Art Association 

Art collection:

Seoul National University Hospital Main Building, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea Land and Housing Corporation Headquarters, Geumboseong Art Center, Hyangam Art Museum, Namsong Art Museum, Cheongju City Hall, Geoje City Hall, Geoje Hope Welfare Foundation, Australia Brisbane Governor's Office, Geoje Prisoner of War Camp Site Park, etc.


저작권자 © 피플투데이 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
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